By Author Alan Fenton


These verses are about a variety of things that either amuse me or trouble me about life – as, no doubt, they do many people. Some are about things I love, like dogs, some about things I hate, like the hunting of wild animals, some are about belief and disbelief, some about faith, or lack of it, some about love of life and fear of death, some about my views (no doubt shared by many!) on politicians, and Scientific Advisers! I had great fun writing them. I hope you will enjoy reading them.

Alan Fenton


By Author Alan Fenton

The fly

This fly
Dive bombs me in the kitchen.
Raising the Times to swat it,
‘Die, fly! Die!,
I cried.
But hard as I tried,
I never got it.

I saw it again the other day,
Crawling across the floor,
Buzzing its short life away,
I raised the Times to swat it.
But I couldn’t do it.
I couldn’t kill that fly.
So I closed the kitchen door
And left him to it.
Don’t ask me why.


God Song

That’s God out there
On the garden gate,
Fluffing out his wings,
Bowing to his mate.
And that’s him singing.
How beautifully he sings, does God.
You’d think he was a blackbird.


The Hunter

I shot a hunter in the fall,
And gave his neck a trim.
His head looks better on the wall
Than it ever did on him.

For many years I got my thrills
From shooting the big five.
I hunted them so successfully
Not one of them survive.

The wildlife I loved to kill
Is impossible to find.
So instead of hunting wild things
I hunt the human kind.

The animals have disappeared,
But hunting is such fun
That I’ll go on killing people
Till my hunting days are done.


Time to Woke up?

It’s time to rebel,
Time to send all prejudice to hell,
Time to heal, time to mend,
Time for cruelty to end,
Time to be strong, time to be bold,
Time to break the stranglehold
Of men on women,
White on black, Straight on gay,
It’s time to get our freedom back,
Time to celebrate a brand new day.
Hip Pip! Hip Pip! Hip Hip! Hooray!

New let the golden age begin.
Out with the Out!
In with the In!

Reject the Unwoke

Master key
Master craftsman

Black hole
Black and Tan
Black cab
Black Sea
Blacken a name
ba baa black sheep

Gay Gordon’s
Straight laced
Straight away
I’ll have it straight up
The straight and narrow

Embrace the Woke

Misses key
Misses craftsman

White hole
White berry
White and Tan
White cab
White Sea
Whiten a name
ba baa white sheep

Heterosexual Gordon’s
Gay laced
Gay away
I’ll have it gay up
The gay and narrow

And we’re all quite sane!

Or are we?


alan fenton author-kill-or-be-killed


By Alan Fenton

“A wealthy hedge fund trader with the world at his feet, making money is more important for James Winston than anything else in life – including family and friends. His philosophy is basic and uncompromising. “Life is about survival. We eat to stay alive. If a man is hungry, he’ll do what he has to do. Whatever it takes.”

alan fenton author hour-of-camelot


By Alan Fenton

Fulfilling the age-old prophecy, King Arthur has returned.

Confronted by global terrorism, world leaders are disunited and indecisive. On a remote island a new Camelot is born, from where Arthur and the 21st Century Round Table launch a series of devastating attacks on the dark forces that threaten the planet. Yet within Camelot itself, forbidden love, murder and conspiracy threaten Arthur’s quest. As the kingdom begins to crumble, will the dream of Camelot die?

alan fenton author the call-of-destiny


By Alan Fenton

It is said that in times of trouble King Arthur will return.

In the new millennium the world is sliding into chaos, its stability threatened by evil men engaged in the ruthless pursuit of global domination.A brilliant scientist, Merlin, takes under his wing the newborn Arthur, illegitimate son of a leading British politician. Guided by Merlin, the boy grows to manhood, becoming a renowned soldier and natural leader. But will he have the courage to fulfil his destiny?

alan fenton author the call-of-destiny


By Alan Fenton

"These verses are about a variety of things that either amuse me or trouble me about life - as, no doubt, they do many people. Some are about things I love, like dogs, some about things I hate, like the hunting of wild animals, some are about belief and disbelief, some about faith, or lack of it, some about love of life and fear of death, some about my views (no doubt shared by many!) on politicians, and Scientific Advisers! I had great fun writing them. I hope you will enjoy reading them."